I had my operation back in April and as a result wasn't that mobile for a while I didn't feel like doing much music anyway. I'm pleased to say that I feel a lot better now and the wound has been healed up for a while now, however it does still feel a little strange sometimes. Also strange is only having one testicle now. But I feel OK about it, after all you only need one. Last week I had a single treatment session of chemotherapy and that really did one over on me! But I am hoping that will be all the chemotherapy I need and I feel about a thousand times better today than I did this time last week that is for sure!
So not a lot of music has been done lately. However I did compose something on the piano when I was feeling very ill last week. I think that feeling so ill sort of freed up my brain to just play and not worry so much about what I was playing. It was quite liberating in a way, but I don't think I want to go through chemotherapy every time I compose something new anytime soon.
I think I'm in the process of reevaluating a lot of the things at the moment. It has been a strange year so far and I'm not really sure what to think. But I do know I have a lot of music to finish and release and I want to still get that done. I still struggle to know how to release things in terms of albums or singles or EPs. I think I might have to just start releasing things a piece at a time and think about how that might fit into a collection afterwards, otherwise I will never release anything!
I shall update again soon, and perhaps even include some new music. But for now, if you are a man, please check yourself down there right now and if you do find anything don't be afraid to go to the doctor. I was lucky to find mine very early and it is far better to catch it as soon as possible. Similarly, if you know a man tell him to check himself! Once you have been seen by a couple of doctors you soon learn to not be embarrassed anymore.